Improving the Orion 50mm guide scope adapter
One of the benefits of working in CAD software and then fabricating a functioning part using 3D printing is the ability to iterate and improve a design relatively quickly and easily. I first had the idea to move the 50mm guide scope on my Star Adventurer mount to the end of the RA axis when I set out to use it with my William Optics GT71 for guiding with PHD2. With the guide scope attached to the GT71, the Star Adventurer would have been over mounted.
With the original design, it was some what cumbersome to attach the 50mm Guide scope to the 3D printed adapter as well as the adapter to the metal RA axis. I had the idea to redesign the adapter in two parts and then “glue and screw” the individual parts together. With the updated version, the parts were printed in PLA on a QIDI X-Plus printer.
The 3D printed adapter worked perfectly in the field to attach the 50mm Orion guide scope to the Star adventurer tracking mount using RA only guiding via ST-4 and PHD2. The object imaged was the Small Cloud of Magellan using a Borg 55FL and ASI1600MM camera with Antlia LRGB filters.

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