William Optics GT71 equipment configurations

William Optics APO GT71 equipment configurations

plan to use as wide field image APo with one shot colour  astro ccd camera ASI 294 MC Pro, as well as Olympus OMD EM5 and narrow band imaging with SBIG

William Optics GT71 Ioptron IEQ30 ZAW ASI 294 MC Pro

William Optics GT71 – One shot colour astrophotography CCD

William Optics GT71 Ioptron IEQ30 ZAW ASI 294 MC Pro

There is a QHYCCD Polemaster attached to the Ioptron IEQ30 mount, essential astrophotography accessory that is straightforward to use and delivers accurate polar alignment in under 5 minutes.

William Optics GT71 Ioptron IEQ30 ZAW ASI 294 MC Pro

William Optics GT71 mirrorless astrophotography

The most basic astro imaging configuration in use with the William Optics GT71. Given the right conditions the Olympus OMD EM5 can deliver remarkable results considering its micro four thirds pedigree.

William Optics GT71SBIG narrowband imaging

William Optics GT71 narrowband imaging

Narrowband imaging with the William Optics GT71 and SBIG ST-10XME