M33 astrophotography: William Optics GT 71 APO, ASI 294 camera & Star Adventurer EQ mount
- Telescope: William Optics GT 71 with 0.8 6A2 Field Flattener
- Camera: ASI 294 MC Pro (-10 Degrees, gain 450)
- Mount: Star Adventurer
- Alignment: PoleMaster
- Guiding: PHD2
- Image: 25 * 90 second subs
- Calibration: AstroPixel Processor (darks, flats and dark flats)
- Bortle Class 7 site
View the high resolution M33.
You can learn more about the imaging setup including Star adventurer & PHD2 guiding.
The magic of flats in astrophotography
The following images are single 90 second exposures before and after debayering respectively. The moral of the story is clean the camera sensor before each imaging session.

The master flat used to remove the dust and vignetting in the optical path.

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