M27 in HOO: William Optics GTF102 & ASI183MM Pro camera
Kedron, Queensland - 26 September 2020Astrophotography of Messier 27, The Dumbbell in Vulpecular
HOO Hubble palatte with the Antlia 3.5nm HA and O3 narrow band filters
- Telescope: William Optics GTF102mm f6.9
- Camera: ASI183MM Pro
- Mount: Avalon M Zero
- Alignment: compass
- Acquisition software: NINA
- Guiding: PHD2
- Image: HA 5 * 900 secs, O3 12 * 180 secs
- Gain: 111
- Temp: 0 Deg
- Processing: AstroPixel Processor: lights, darks, flats and darks flats
- Bortle Class 7 site
- Location: Kedron, Queensland
- Date: 26/9/2020
M27, The Dumbbell Nebula
The Dumbbell Nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula, at a distance of about 1227 light-years. This object was the first planetary nebula to be discovered; by Charles Messier in 1764.Wikipedia

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