NGC 253 “The Sculpture Galaxy ” astrophotography with WO GT 71
- Telescope William Optics GT 71 with Field Flattener 6A2 (effective focal ratio f4.7, FL = 336mm)
- Camera: ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, Gain 400, Temp -10Deg. C
- Mount: Ioptron IEQ30
- Alignment: PoleMaster
- Image: Single 60 second exposure
- Calibration: none
- Location: Dayboro, South East Queensland, Bortle Class 4
Very impressive results imaging NGC253 with the ASI 294 MC Pro one shot colour camera with the above image a single 60 second exposure only. No stacking or calibration, only slight levels and curves adjustments in Photoshop. The small globular cluster on the lower left is NGC288.

IC 2944 “The Running chicken Nebula” astrophotography with WO GT 102mm
- Telescope: William Optics GT102mm f6.9
- Camera: ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, Gain 285, Temp -10Deg. C
- Mount: Iopron IEQ30
- Alignment: PoleMaster
- Image: 40 * 60 second exposure, total exposure time 40 minutes
- Calibration: AstroPixel Processor
- Guiding PHD2
- Location: Brisbane, South East Queensland, Bortle Class 7
No matter what angle i look at this nebula, I just cannot see a running chicken.

“The Coat Hanger” Collinder 399, Brocchi’s Cluster with WO GT 71mm
- Telescope: Telescope William Optics GT 71 with Field Flattener 6A2
- Camera: ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, Gain 285, Temp -10Deg. C
- Mount: Iopron IEQ30
- Alignment: PoleMaster
- Image: 30 * 120 second exposure, total exposure time 60 minutes
- Calibration: AstroPixel Processor
- Guiding PHD2
- Location: Dayboro, South East Queensland, Bortle Class 4. 1/.2 moon in Libra so not the best imaging conditions

Merssier 17 “The Swan Nebula” astrophotography with WO GT 71
- Telescope William Optics GT 71 with Field Flattener 6A2 (effective focal ratio f4.7, FL = 336mm)
- Camera: ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, Gain 300, Temp -10Deg. C
- Mount: Iopron IEQ30
- Alignment: PoleMaster
- Image: Single 60 second exposure
- Calibration: none
- Location: Dayboro, South East Queensland, Bortle Class 4

Messier 7 open star cluster with WO GT 71mm
- Telescope: Telescope William Optics GT 71 with Field Flattener 6A2
- Camera: ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, Gain 285, Temp -10Deg. C
- Mount: Iopron IEQ30
- Alignment: PoleMaster
- Image: 30 * 120 second exposure, total exposure time 60 minutes
- Calibration: AstroPixel Processor
- Guiding PHD2
- Location: Dayboro, South East Queensland, Bortle Class 4.
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