Towards the stars
I went to a local high school in Brisbane, Queensland Australia where the motto was Ad Sidera, Latin for “towards the stars”. The motto held little relevance for me then, but how times have changed. I bought my first 60mm refractor when I was 12 years old and a huge/heavy 8″ f7 reflector when I was 22.
I now have an avid interest in astrophotography and astronomy in general. With today’s imaging and tracking equipment so good these days (although not necessarily affordable), I spent the nether hours imaging the night sky. As an aside, I believe the whole saying is Pedes in terra ad sidera visus, translating to “with the feet on the ground and the eyes in the sky”
During the day, I work as a professional photographer & videographer focusing on the architecture, engineering and construction industries in South East Queensland. I also undertake drone photography for a range of Queensland based clients
I started designing and fabricating 3D printed accessories and parts to overcome incompatibles between differed equipment manufactures. Not being able to mount a red dot finder on all of my telescopes became very frustrating.

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PHD2 Guiding with Star Adventurer Mount – William Optics GT71 / ASI 294 mounted to the Star Adventurer
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