New guide scope for the M-Zero mount
I am looking to do longer exposures with the RASA8 using the IDAS NB1 Nebula Booster filter (up to 120 seconds). The plan is to use it in conjunction with the CEM40 mount with the Orion 50mm scope for guiding. Up till now , the Orion 50mm has been used as the guide scope for the Avalon Instruments M-Zero. The replacement is now a 50mm f3.8 (190mm FL) guide scope with a ASI120MM mini camera. The original rings and mounting bracket that came with the new guide scope did not fit the clamps on the M-Zero so custom 3D printed rings were fabricated with the QIDI X-Plus 3D printer. The parts were printed separately and bolted together.
The weather in Brisbane at this time of year (late December) is generally cloudy and rainy so I have had little chance to thoroughly test the new guide scope. However a small break in the rain mean a short test was possible guiding with PHD2. After a simple calibration and very short drift align in azimuth only, I was able to get guiding with rms error around 1.1 arc second/pixel.
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